Saturday, May 16, 2009


Are you all ready for this years summer fest. Hope all of you will be able to give your 100% in volunteer services , donations in what ever small way you can to help this years cause.
Please encourage all friends and family to come and help all of us in raising the amount for education project in India .
kids ready with your painting skills, get together your painting stuff together.Brush up on your color combinations.Also come with all your good health and empty stomachs to fill it with all the goodies .And when your energy is pumped up be ready to do some playing,jumping.After that fill your stomach to the brim and relax and watch the shows of those who are on stage ..or get ready for your show.
Have you got your songs dance steps all ready for doing it... listen to more songs and think up different ways you can entertain us.. and let us know if you are interested in doing anything on stage.
Have a wonderful end of school year.We are looking forward to your excellent all round performance in volunteer work,donations,buying taking part. Cheers!

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